
Art Gallery Owner, Moshe Koenick, publicly advertised a hard liquor drinking event as an art show in Oct. '08.  Steve Green allowed his official title of City Commissioner to be used for promoting a hard liquor drinking event where he was called a "Bourbon Connoisseur".
Participants paid $35. and received 10 drinks of bourbon at a Friday night party lasting a few hours.
If participants drove to get to the art party, how could anybody not exceed the strict New Mexico Law of .08 for alcohol intoxication (to constitute a DUI) after going to a party like that?  Worse, how many of them drove home, anyhow?
Susan Morrongiello, wife of Moshe Koenick, in a Letter To The Editor, said she felt "deceived" when confronted and questioned about why it wasn't appropriate to serve hard liquor at an art party, and 10 drinks, at that.
This is an outright WRONG kind of art party to hold, PUBLICLY. (Go ahead, have a private party, that's personal).  BUT, to use Steve Green's official city title to publicly promote a hard liquor drinking event, was WRONG AGAIN (and could have resulted in a drunk driving accident). Promoting the art event with public funds under the Hot Springs-Cool Art county-wide theme (replacing Destination Sierra County) is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong (and by an organization who took NO responsibility for participants becoming publicly drunk). Public arts funds from such grantors as National Endowment For The Arts, New Mexico Arts, NM Dept. of Cultural Affairs, and others should NEVER be used for an event like this.




More Unethical Conduct

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It's said you can tell a lot about a person by the company he keeps...

Meet the Sierra County Democratic Party Chairperson
Sierra County Democratic Chairperson, Deborah Toomey, wrote in a Dec. '08 Letter To The Editor that she publicly admitted to giving Steve Green an intentional advantage by enlisting him as a poll worker (specifically Mr. Green worked as a Registration Clerk and a Caucus Site Ballot Box Monitor) for the Feb. 5th Democratic Presidential Preference Caucus Election held in Truth or Consequences, NM.  This advantage gave Mr. Green access up to 680 Democrats who voted in-person that day.  Mr. Green checked IDs, asked voters to sign the voter registration list, and issued individual ballots to voters. And, because Steve Green won his City Commission seat by only 82 votes, his working at the Feb. 5th election, and that it's now been proven Steve Green campaigned for himself (by licensed polygraph examination), likely made the difference for him to win in the T or C Municipal Election over three other candidates.
Ms. Toomey, in her letter, showed high bias in favor of Mr. Green, and demonstrated abuse of her power. As Chairperson, she even went so far in her letter to discount another candidate running against Steve Green for the same position. Ms. Toomey's verbal threat to that person was recorded, and sent to prosecuting authorities.  Ms. Toomey, after calling the person derogatory names, said to consider future actions, "war" against her.  This threat came just before the start of the 2008 T or C Muncipal Election campaign.
Both Ms. Toomey and Mr. Green demonstrated highly unethical conduct by engaging in the described political working relationship.  Criminal charges are also possible for Conspiracy to Violate Election Code, and/or Offering a Bribe, and Accepting A Bribe - fourth degree felony violations for elections under New Mexico State Statutes (Annotated 1978). 
Even now, April '09, Ms. Toomey's conduct as the Sierra County Democratic Chairperson is highly unethical  - with a hanging of former President George Bush in her yard at 415 W. Riverside Dr., T or C.  The owner of the St. Francis Mobile Home/RV Park (where Ms. Toomey rents a house) ordered it taken down on April 20, '09.

Ms. Toomey had this hanging in her yard, April '09

abandoned building claimed as voter residence

Steve Green said two of his "favorite groups" are the Sierra County Arts Council, and the Sierra County Tourism Board".  Scores of people who don't have licenses, and don't pay taxes are advertised and promoted by Green's "favorite" groups.  Both groups receive public funds.  How can he allow this as a City Commissioner?
Does the public believe it is fair to receive funding from the National Endowment for the Arts, New Mexico Tourism Department, New Mexico Arts, Dept. of Cultural Affairs, Lodger's Tax, and contributions from Williamsburg, Elephant Butte and T or C, to promote people who aren't even operating in business legitimately?
Pick up any Sierra County Artists Directory and look through it.  Even look inside the front cover and see an unlicensed business.  The Arts Council used to have more than one person oversee the annual production, but now only Rebecca Speakes is in charge.  She sells and designs ads, and she does the layout of the directory.  Rebecca Speakes should not be allowed to accept an ad from someone who operates a business without a license in Truth or Consequences, NM.
Rebecca Speakes should be required to validate that all advertising is for legitimate services, and advertisers are in good standing, especially in those businesses requiring state licensing in the profession, or permits, such as for selling food (or, she needs to require the advertisers to show proof of their permits and professional licenses before printing their ads).
Who's responsible for ethics in groups like Sierra County Arts Council?  Steve Green still sits on an Advisory Board for them.  How, as a City
Commissioner, can he allow corruption to go on?
It takes local organizations to DO THE RIGHT THING, too!  Shouldn't an organization, such as the arts council, require better ethics?  Shouldn't the Tourism Board be able to stand by listing certain lodgers as handicapped accessible, even when they know they're not?
Shouldn't Boards of Directors obey the laws, too? Be role models? Show good ethics? There's an unlicensed artist, or two, sitting on the Board of Directors for an arts council right now in Sierra County. And, these individuals sell art in T or C. 
City Commissioners should be held to the highest of ethical standards, knowing they are role models, make financial decisions that significantly affect everyone in the town, and are chosen to represent ALL of the people, not just their friends.
Richard Epstein, who serves in leadership positions on the Lodger's Tax Board, Fiesta, Inc. and the Chamber of Commerce approved a theme called "Go Green" for T or C's annual festival in 2008 when Steve Green was running for T or C City Commissioner.  Richard Epstein and Steve Green served on the Board of Directors together for T or C's 2008 annual festival.
Nobody admitted ANY conflict-of-interest!
One business sign in the photos to the left advertises a Bed & Breakfast. Just days after the NM Environment Dept. - Food Services Division - visited the establishment, the Bed & Breakfast sign came down.
Richard Epstein, quoted in March '09 New Mexico Magazine, describes his establishment as a "spa" with recent addition of a hot tub he calls "The Love Tub".  Richard Epstein said he wants lovers to come to his place to "do it".  He apparently sees such advertising as trendy and appropriate. 
MANY citizens see a lot wrong with this type of promotion of tourism! 
Promoting sexual relations in tourism is WRONG; and, promotion with no regard or mention of sanitation rules and regulations or infectious disease control at a spa or hot springs used by the public and/or overnight lodging guests is beyond unethical, it's immoral! 

Red Growing Banner Flag

Meet a Caucus Site Judge who worked at the Feb. 5th Democratic
Presidential Preference Caucus Election held in T or C.
Jan Thedford, who worked as a Caucus Site Judge at the Feb. 5, '08 Democratic Election, recently (Feb. '09) participated in signing a witness statement for Green saying she didn't see him campaign. Judges of an election are expected to be ethical, and to uphold laws.  This Judge, however, also committed alleged voter fraud in the T or C Municipal Election.
Ms. Thedford, who resides in Williamsburg, has rented a house, with her husband on Hyde Ave. for approximately four years, or more.  Their landlord lives across the street from them.
The Thedfords used a T or C address to register as voters in T or C, but do not reside at the address.  The photos below in the black box show that the address consists of a gutted concrete building with broken windows, no utilities connected,
and is totally unlivable (Photos taken April '08).
Voter registration requires persons to list their address as the place where they reside. And, voters are required to vote in the municipality where they reside.
The Thedfords both voted in the T or C Municipal Election by absentee ballot, and proof of their ballot showing the address of the abandoned building in the photo, and their hand-written voter signatures have been obtained and submitted to prosecuting authorities.
Would you trust the signature of a witness statement from a person with this kind of character?

broken out windows, fallen roof, no utilities hooked-up.

Twyla McBride violated the T or C ordinance for political signs, and the NM Highway Dept. right-of-way rules during Steve Green's campaign for City Commissioner by putting Green's advertising literature on the sidewalk.  A complaint was sent to the Election Clerk in Feb. '08.
The New Mexico State Fire Marshall inspected the business below, and found numerous fire code violations in July, '08.
This real estate, owned by Sid Bryan, also had a commercial building behind this business completely gutted by fire in Feb. '09.

Business in downtown T or C.

Yellow Tumbling Arrow 7
Inside the above business. After a state fire inspection, it's still a cluttered fire trap.

Sid Bryan, every year for over five years, has loaned use of his commercial business to hold the Sierra County Arts Council - Annual Party.
Steve Green's wife, Paula Green (who frequently holds the title of President and other leadership positions in the arts), and he, serve on the Board of Directors and/or arts committees every year.
Sid Bryan hosts the Sierra County Arts Council party every year (for the last five years) in JANUARY, except for 2008 during the T or C Municipal Election campaign.  The 2008 party became a "get-out-the-vote" party for Steve Green.
Sierra County Arts Council - Annual Party dates:
2009 - January
2008 - March 1 (three days before the T or C Municipal Election)
2007 - January
2006 - January
2005 - January
Cronyism - Conflicts-of Interest

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